The Big Change Round-up Gymkhana

March 18, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

If you didn't attend the 2013 Big Change Round-up last weekend at Jolley Stables in Colchester, you missed a great time!  This event was for charity and is the project of Fletcher Allen Health Center and local radio station WOKO to benefit the Vermont Children's Hospital. It was organized with the help of Erin Longworth of Erin Longworth Performance Horses in Milton.  We had plenty of competitors from kids who were trying gymkhana for the first time to riders who are experienced on the local gymkhana circuit.  One of them is Ashely Rae Smith who asked me to attend and try to get some great images from the day.  I agreed and then offered to donate a 2 hour portrait session that came with a free 11x14 print.  There were lots of great prizes given away that had been donated by several local businesses.  It was the first competition of the season for most and although at first you could see there was a little rust on the horses from the long winter, it soon was gone and they looked like they were back in the game.  From the smiles on the faces I saw, I think this was a success and will be held again next year! 







For those that are not aware, gymkhana is a series of games that involves pole bending, barrel racing and jumping.  The action is usually challenging enough to capture, but this event being held inside made it even more so.  The darkness of the arena and the windows at the top of the walls made the exposures pretty challenging.  I was faced with either lighting the area with secondary sources (not easy and the horses might be affected by flash) or high ISO's.  I chose the ISO's and   my Nikon's were up to it.  A little noise reduction in Lightroom and we made some great images. 


(Left) This pony gave his opinion of gymkhana... must be an open show horse!







(Right) Ivy obviously having a good time, but then, when doesn't she? 




Thanks to everyone who have already bought pics from this! See you next year. More info on the Big Change Round-up can be found here.   Make sure to leave me a comment if you like what you see or have something else you want to see, or whatever. 













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